Monday, September 16, 2013

Fifth Wheel Gets a Date

My best friend was told that a guy was going to ask her to homecoming. Now she has never been asked out or anything of the sort ever so she was a little nervous at the prospect of this happening. I told her, being the amazing friend that I am, that I would go with her so it would be less awkward. I decided to have my other best friend go too with her boyfriend. In this situation I was to be the fifth wheel, and they needed me to go because I'm the only one of my friends who can drive. I had told my dad about me fifth wheeling for my friends, and he had told me I was being a good friend.
Today, I got asked to homecoming by one of close guy friends. I said yes since he asked me as a friend and I don't have to be a fifth wheel anymore. I came home today and was talking to my dad. I said, "I don't have to be a fifth wheel anymore." My dad said, "Oh, did everyone else decide not to go?" "Wow. Thanks Dad." "It was meant to be funny." It's always good to know that your dad has no faith in you to get a date to homecoming. I'm glad that a friend of mine asked me though, so I don't have to go through the whole process of my dad having to meet the guy I'm going to homecoming because he's already met him.

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