Thursday, October 30, 2014


Monday night, I turned in two of my college applications. I'm happy to have that over with. The only thing I have left to do is send my transcripts, and I will be completely done. Then I'll just have to wait patiently for a reply. I'm so nervous about it. I also am waiting for a response from the video auditions I turned into an organization. I have no idea what that response will be. If I do happen to get a good reply it will hopefully include a week of working with professionals and some scholarship money. These are the only things I have to look forward to as of right now because school is irritating beyond belief, and stupid Halloween is tomorrow. I have the day off from school tomorrow so I'll probably spend most of the day practicing Wagner's Tannhauser Overture and Brahms' 2nd Symphony. I should actually be at school for lunch right now with my friend, but I don't really feel like hanging out with her today. She told me yesterday that her mom thought it would be funny if Tia invited me over while her mom was out of town and tell me that her mom had counted the amount of alcohol she had before she left. I don't really see the humor in that. I don't drink, and I probably won't drink that much when I turn 21. My brothers and my mom all drink way too much so I don't have much of a desire to be like them. I know I'll have the ability to not be like them because my dad doesn't drink that much. He occasionally has wine in the winter, and beer while he's rafting but that's it. He doesn't find that need to get drunk on a regular basis like my mom and brothers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The UPS Man Stole It

Monday evening I was watching TV or something like that. When the UPS man delivered a package to our door. I was the only home, and I thought to myself, "I'll bring the package in when I go get the mail." Later, I get the mail and forget to bring the package in. The next morning, I'm running out the door because I was late for school. I notice there isn't a package by the lower door of my house even though the UPS man brought it the day before. I start to panic. If that package is gone then my life is over was what was going through my head all day. That package most likely contained thousands of dollars worth of fishing flies for my dad's company, and I forgot to bring the damn thing inside. I'm going to be filleted come Wednesday evening when my dad comes home. All day I'm preparing myself for my death the next day. I go to the office before rehearsal because Brandon and his girlfriend left a bunch of stuff at my house. I tell Brandon about the missing package. He informs that he had the package rerouted to the office. I felt so much relief after he told me that, but I was slightly pissed off that he did after I had spent the whole day worrying, thinking I'd lost the company thousands of dollars. I was planning my death, but now I'm able to speak of my almost death experience. In reality though I did almost die once. I jumped into our pool when I was two or three without my water wings, and Brandon had to save me from drowning. My parents had no idea what was going, so I was lucky that Brandon was paying attention to me.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Festival Weekend

I had an unusual weekend. First of all, my brother and his girlfriend were all weekend, and I was able to see my nephew. I liked that part of my weekend. On Saturday, I had to play at the Harvest Fest with the Jazz band just outside of town. My mother was there with my nephew. We didn't play so well which isn't surprising. We're pretty bad this year due to the massive amount of freshmen. Later that evening I was blessed to receive an email from my mother saying how rude I was to her and my nephew. Lecturing about my relationship with him. He's two years old I'm pretty sure he wasn't offended by my supposed rudeness. I was also told that I do not understand how "to love and be loved," which is a "simple concept," according to her. God, I wish she would disappear and leave me alone forever. She is so irritating.
Sunday was abnormal too. I went to play with this small string group at a different festival a half an hour from here. This lady who is probably in her 50's or 60's asked me to give her a ride to Home Depot where her husband could pick her up. They had been on vacation up until the concert, so he dropped her off and went home. I drove her the 30 miles to Home Depot which wasn't a problem since Home Depot is on my way home.
All in all it was a very abnormal weekend. I didn't even work on my application for college. I should be working on it now, but I'm stalling. I want my dad to look it over before I decide to make any changes to my essay.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I'm an Adult (Legally)

I just had my 18th birthday the other day. It was a good day. I took for my dogs for a walk by the river, put new strings on my guitar, had multiple wish me happy birthday, and went to the city for the evening. My dad took me to Powell's bookstore and Doc Marten's. Afterward, we went to meet my brothers and Tiffany for dinner. While driving around trying to find the restaurant my dad and I came up with the theory that Tom Petty must have written the song "Waiting is the Hardest Part," while waiting for the waitress to bring his complimentary bread. That's always the worst part about eating out is having to wait for them to bring you food while your stomach is grumbling from the lack of nutrition. We managed to have a pleasant dinner with zero casualties. I believe dinner is the shortest timeframe my family to be together at all once without arguing. Either way I'm glad that my birthday went so well. Occasions like that usually go badly.

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Little Adventure

I went to my mom's house the other day. It ended up in a routine fight. I sometimes wonder why I even bother going over there. It's impossible to forgive the things she done. I'm not sure why I suppose it has to do with the fact that she shows no remorse, She doesn't realize the damage she's done. It's not like she's gotten any better when it comes to not being hurtful. She said, "fuck you," as I left the other night. I had said that living with her had been really hard so I guess I deserved.
After I left I went down to the docks. "The docks" is really only one little wooden dock and a giant concrete walkway above the river. I decided to take a little side adventure though along the riverbank to a part that juts out into the river. Normally, it would be impossible to get over there, but the river is really low right now. I went all the way out there stepping into ankle deep mud. Most of it was impossible to cross, but I found a log to throw in the mud so I walk get over it. Once I got out there though I saw a tent farther back in the brushes. There were two men making a fire as well. I thought briefly of trying to find a different way back but realized that was a stupid idea since one of the guys started walking in the direction I was going to. I ended up going back the way I came. I didn't really want to them to see me. They were a lot bigger than me plus I was alone on a secluded part of town. Besides they were homeless so they were probably crazy. Anyways, it was in my best interest to get out of there, I felt slightly exhilarated afterwards. It was the closest thing I've had to some sort of an adventure since freshman year when I ran away from home. I kinda wish it was the old days or that I could have some sort of adventure in my life that didn't require scaring the crap out of my parents. I guess I'll get to have adventures when I'm older. Although I should probably learn some ninja-type stuff before then,