Thursday, July 27, 2017

Summertime Crushes

Last week I saw The Avett Brothers in concert yet again, and yet again they managed to outdo themselves. Every time I see them I am even more amazed than the last. They truly are extremely talented, and one of the best bands out there right now. I am excited to see keep watching them grow and see what they continue to do. It's obvious that they never stop working on honing their craft, and that they want to keep getting better which is rare to see these days.
So some recent events in my personal life, are I got back on Tinder a few weeks back just because it's boring here, and I was a tad bit tipsy. I matched with this one guy from high school who's family owns the fanciest restaurant in town, but he came on a little strong so I gave him a bitchy reply, "Are you always so desperate," which he did not appreciate and said he "trying to be friendly." Anyways, last night was my brother's girlfriend's birthday, and he invited me to go to dinner with them to which I said of course. However, he did not inform that we were going to the restaurant that the guy's family owns, and he also happens to work there. Unfortunately for me, he was working that night, and we were seated near the stairs where the waiters kept walking back and forth. It wasn't long after I sat down that we made eye contact, but at least he wasn't our waiter which I am so happy for because that would have been the worst thing ever.
Later that night, I messaged him apologizing for being bitchy, but I also saying that he had come on a little strong. He messaged me this morning agreeing with me, and saying that he was excited that he matched with me because he had had a small crush on me in high school but never was able to say hi to me. He also admitted that it was awkward seeing me last night, and said I was sweet to apologize. I was amazed by the fact that he even had the slightest crush on me in high school considering the shit people used to say about me, but maybe that could explain his first messages because he probably thought I was a slut like everyone else in high school even though I only dated one guy, and haven't dated anyone since.
I also have been talking to this guy for almost two weeks now who lives about a half an hour from here but last night he was super judgy towards me, and it pissed me off, so I don't think that 's going to work out even though I did really like him before that. It almost seems like he was being super hypocritical too, but it's hard to know for sure. Either way he's been sending me some red flags. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Customer Service

We recently had an unusual couple of phone calls from a customer ordering a hook gage. My brother, Josh, talked to this customer the first time, and he asked for the names of employees who worked to find out who he had previously spoken to. Then he said, "You can run, but you can't hide," to which Josh laughed at awkwardly in the hopes that the customer was making some sort of joke. However,  Josh's awkward laugh was received with complete silence from the man. Josh promised him to have the hook gage shipped out to him on Monday, and Josh told me to remember to tell Brandon about it. Monday comes and goes, and I completely forget to tell Brandon about the hook gage. So a few days later, the same customer calls back complaining that his order hasn't been shipped yet. Brandon and Josh explain that it was a certain employee's responsibility (me) to remember to have his product shipped on Monday and told him that I had forgotten to do so. The man replies with, "You know what you should do to that employee? You should string him up by his hands, and whip him with a wet pool noodle." So now Josh and I are convinced that any day now that man is going to come into the office and murder us all. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Boycott the Fourth

My Fourth of July was pretty terrible again this year. I had to work, but we were planning to leave an hour early. However, this did not happen because the internet stopped working about fifteen minutes before we wanted to leave, so we're trying to get stuff using just one computer. Also Brandon had to talk to a customer who came in to the showroom just before we were thinking about leaving. Once we are ready to leave Brandon shuts down all the computers before realizing we hadn't clocked out yet, so he turns one back on which of course takes forever. We finally leave, but it's only fifteen minutes earlier than we normally would leave. As we're walking out of the building Brandon realizes he doesn't have his keys, so he asks Teri if she will unlock the office to get his keys. Teri and I are waiting for him, but it's been quite some time, so we decide to go into the office to help him look for his keys. Brandon says he thinks he left them in the car, and he walks down to his car while we keep looking in the office. He calls me to tell me that his keys are, in fact, in his car and asks me to look for a wire coat hanger. Fortunately, there was a wire coat hanger right on the floor upstairs. Teri and I head out to Brandon's car and Brandon and Teri try to get his car open.
After sometime Teri leaves to go home, and Brandon has me call his girlfriend to come pick us up. He keeps trying to break into his car while we wait for her. When she arrives he's still working on it, and the two of them continue to do so for another hour while I watch their son, Sam. They finally get the car open, and we are on the way home when Brandon gets caught going 75 by the police. He gets pulled over, but the cop surprisingly doesn't give him a ticket. We didn't end up getting home until about 8 that night which is an hour and a half later than we normally get home from work.
Also that day, Tianna told me she might be pregnant. She still doesn't know for sure because her car broke down, and she lives to far away from the store to get a pregnancy test. All in all the Fourth of July sucked for me, and last year's was pretty bad as well which is why Tianna and I have decided to boycott the Fourth. Next year, we might celebrate Malia Obama's birthday instead which is apparently what some people did this year.