Monday, February 29, 2016

Group Chat

Last day of February! I actually don't know why that is exciting other than that means it's only almost Spring Break which would be more exciting if I didn't have to go home. Although the upside is I get to see BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN over break!!! I cannot wait for that!
Lately, my wrist is absolutely killing, so I bought a wrist splint. I wear it at night and during the day when I'm on the computer, but I think I need to get some sort of tape to use while playing violin because that's when it hurts the most. I think I'll look for some KT tape when I go run some errands today.
I have an orchestra concert this week. I'm pretty nervous for it although I say that before every concert it seems like. I just hope I can play without wanting to cry that seems to be common occurrence for me. Musician pain is kind of the worse thing in the world due to the uncomfortable positions we put ourselves in for extended periods of time. It sucks.
My friends Natasha, Dennis, Becky and I all have a group chat on Facebook that we use to talk to each other pretty much all day. It's a lot of fun actually. We also have another that has Natasha's boyfriend as well because he really wanted to be part of a group chat.
My latest music obsession is Lucy Dacus. Her debut album, No Burden is a masterpiece. I absolutely love it! Her voice is incredible, her lyrics cause you to do some soul searching, and her songs all together are beautiful. Plus she's just kind of an adorable human. I watched a live performance of her it was pretty funny. She's probably my new favorite person. I think if we knew each other we'd be best friends. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lost in the Woods

I had a pretty great weekend. Friday night I saw Palehound live. It was really awesome. There were two local bands before Palehound. I liked the band, Great Grandpa, but not the other band. It was a small venue, but it was a great night of music. Palehound was obviously my favorite band of the night, but it was really cool to hear a local band that I had never head of before. I always love discovering new music that I like. Natasha had a good time, but I'm not sure Dennis did, only because it wasn't really his kind of music. Saturday, we had EMP in our dorm. It was pretty cool, I guess. I don't really get why everyone gets so hyped about it. Today, I had a very interesting day indeed. Natasha and I had to be tied together for eight hours straight for an assignment in one of her classes. She has to write an essay about the nonverbal communication that took place between us that was a sign of tension. We didn't really get that annoyed with each other though, so I don't know what she's going to write about.
Since we're supposed to do something out in public while being tied together we decided to go to Discovery Park. We had to take the bus though because we don't have a car. Dennis decided to come with us too. We get on the first bus to transfer to the next bus. The problem we had was we didn't cross the street before getting on our next bus, so we ended up going in the wrong direction. We went pretty far before I realized it, so we get off at some random stop to go the other direction. We get off at this pretty sketchy stop that had a lot of homeless and crazy people. There was a guy with blood on his shirt, and another guy had no shirt on under his coat. This other guy was just babbling crazy stuff about who knows what. The three of us were pretty scared. Towards the end a security guard showed up, so I was less nervous then. Also the guy with the bloody shirt had left by that time. Finally, our bus arrives, and it's another 20 minutes to the park. We get to the park and walk all the way to the water, but it's dark by the time we start walking back. So we're just walking through this random park in the dark for a couple of miles before we finally find the bus stop to get back. All in all, I'm pretty glad to be alive after our weird adventure today. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Thai Valentine's Day

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days I've had at work. I was still pretty mad about it when I got off work until I started watching New Moon and making fun of it with a couple of my friends. One of the girl's who works at Sandella's and lives on my floor was asking people to cover her shift on Saturday, and since nobody answered her besides me, I ended up working her shift for her as well as mine. I didn't mind working her shift, it was simple, easy, like Sandella's normally is, but later that day during my shift, the other person who's supposed to show up, never did. I called my manager after an hour of him not showing up, my manager didn't answer, and called me back that night. Normally, I wouldn't have minded so much because Saturdays are usually completely dead, but not last night. People kept coming one after another until about 7:40, and we close at 8:00, so I didn't get to start closing up until 7:45ish. When there are two people, we usually start doing stuff for closing around 7:00 because there is so little to do. I ended up skipping a few things for closing, so I could get out of there by 8:30. My guess is the guy who's supposed to work that shift probably called in sick, and no one told me because communication there sucks so much for weekend people. I can't wait until I can quit at the end of the quarter. 
On a brighter note, I went out for Thai food today with my friends for Valentine's Day. It was Natasha, Dennis, Brandon, and me all together again. I'm pretty sure most people probably think we're on a double date when the four of us are together, but then again probably not. We don't act like couples at all, so that helps. Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Independent Music

This week has gone by super fast. Honestly, I think my life is going by super fast. It's weird really, I remember being about six or seven years old and thinking I couldn't wait to get older. I still sometimes think that. I think about how awesome it would be to be middle aged. Your kids are pretty grown up by that time, so you basically can do whatever you want. I mean at least if you're my dad you can do whatever you want. He owns his company so he doesn't have a boss. I'm out of the house. He literally doesn't have to answer to anyone, and something about that seems so freeing. Now I think where my deep rooted independence comes from. 
I got my first experience with getting the chance to learn some stuff about how the music tech department works here. It was pretty cool. I actually got to do a couple of things, nothing super exciting but still it was fun. I got to change the slides so the audience could sing along. I also got to set up and take the cameras. Oh and this pretty attractive guy had to explain things to me that was pretty cool because I'm so socially awkward I rarely talk to new people unless I'm forced to. Another cute guy was wearing an Avett Brothers t-shirt yesterday which completely made my day. 
Today, I woke up to The Lumineers' countdown being over, so I got to hear their new song again this morning. I figured out last night that Apple Music already had their single available, so I got to listen to it last night. WOOHOO!!! I was actually really happy with Ophelia. It's a really good song, and I can't wait until April 8th!!!