Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Thai Valentine's Day

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days I've had at work. I was still pretty mad about it when I got off work until I started watching New Moon and making fun of it with a couple of my friends. One of the girl's who works at Sandella's and lives on my floor was asking people to cover her shift on Saturday, and since nobody answered her besides me, I ended up working her shift for her as well as mine. I didn't mind working her shift, it was simple, easy, like Sandella's normally is, but later that day during my shift, the other person who's supposed to show up, never did. I called my manager after an hour of him not showing up, my manager didn't answer, and called me back that night. Normally, I wouldn't have minded so much because Saturdays are usually completely dead, but not last night. People kept coming one after another until about 7:40, and we close at 8:00, so I didn't get to start closing up until 7:45ish. When there are two people, we usually start doing stuff for closing around 7:00 because there is so little to do. I ended up skipping a few things for closing, so I could get out of there by 8:30. My guess is the guy who's supposed to work that shift probably called in sick, and no one told me because communication there sucks so much for weekend people. I can't wait until I can quit at the end of the quarter. 
On a brighter note, I went out for Thai food today with my friends for Valentine's Day. It was Natasha, Dennis, Brandon, and me all together again. I'm pretty sure most people probably think we're on a double date when the four of us are together, but then again probably not. We don't act like couples at all, so that helps. Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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