Thursday, July 30, 2015

Last Names

My dad and I were talking about last names yesterday evening. I can't remember exactly how we started talking about last names. I know it must have started with discussing a musician and somehow it led to last names. Anyways, my dad had asked me if I would ever change my last name in the theoretical event of me getting married. I said if I'm a musician I won't change my stage name if I use my regular name. I brought up June Carter for some reason saying she had changed her name to June Carter Cash but had still kept her name. My dad said that was because Johnny Cash was more famous than her. He also proceeded to say that Patti Scialfa never changed her name even though Bruce Springsteen is more famous than her. I said if I were her I would have changed my name from Patti Spine Disease to Patti Springsteen.
Today, a package from Amazon came in the mail. My dad guessed that it would his hat and my Bundle Monster in the box. I got really excited because I couldn't wait to get out the Bundle Monster. We had ordered this set of reading lights from Amazon for me for when I go to college, and the brand name was Bundle  Monster, but calling the reading lights themselves, the Bundle Monster sounds way cooler than reading lights. We opened the box and there was my dad's hat, and the Bundle Monster, or so i thought until I picked it up and realized it was one of the reading lights I had looked at before I found the Bundle Monster. I was very disappointed, but my dad went ahead and ordered the Bundle Monster this time. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rogue Rafting

Today, I went rafting with my brother, Brandon, and his girlfriend as well as their dog. Their dog is a little Schnauzer and Beagle mix along with some other breeds. She has this cute little orange life jacket that has a handle on it, so you can pick her up. She likes to roam around on the boat and since Brandon has a cataraft she likes to walk to the end of the pontoons. Today, when she walked to the pontoon right as we bumped into a rock, and she fell in. After she fell in she started swimming towards the shore, but we called her, and she started to swim back towards the boat. Brandon pulled her into the boat by her handle on her life jacket. It was really funny to watch. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Little Garbage Dog

This morning when I woke up neither of my dogs were in the house to greet me which is very unusual since Tweakers hardly ever leaves the chair in the living room. I went to the bathroom and still they were both nowhere to be found. I looked out the window as I sometimes do in the morning, and I see something in the trash can. I had just put the lid on the trash yesterday because the lid had gotten blown down the street. The thing I see in trash can kind of looks like the top of Tweakers' head, but I think why would my dog be in the trash? I notice the object move, so I decide to go outside and find out what is going on. When I get out there this is what I see:

I have no idea why he was in there because he was just sitting there. He wasn't eating anything, just sitting. It was the most bizarre thing he's ever done. Even since Monday when he squeezed between this old ladies picket fence to play with her dogs. My dad had to go back and get him because he was in her yard sniffing the other dogs. I think because he lost weight he's become more adventurous like he was when he was a puppy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Loud and Quiet

I received my first paycheck for the summer. It was over $1000. I didn't even work all of June because I was still in school, but still if the next paychecks are anything like this month's I might have a little more money than I expected. Also I think I'm going to apply for dining services for a job in college. It's a really simple application that I have to fill out, but it's a job right on campus which I think would be a good thing for me. Stay on campus more for the first quarter just to get used to the whole being five and half hours away from home in a huge city. I would have to arrive on campus five days early but I think that's okay. I'd have to work it out with my dad.
Sunday night there was a huge thunderstorm here. My dog P-Knut kept freaking out. I had to shut my window and turn on the AC so she wouldn't be able to hear the thunder. I don't think she cared too much for the lightning that was lighting up my entire room. I put a sheet over her head to get her to calm down. It seemed to work because she stopped barking.
Last Friday I also met Brandon's girlfriend's family. Apparently, they thought I was super quiet, which I guess helped Brandon out because he doesn't talk much either. Although I'm pretty sure I talk less than he does. It's rare for me to meet someone who's actually less talkative than I am. I normally don't even view myself as being that quiet of a person, but when I think about it I guess I am. I suppose I just like to observe those around me. It probably has to do with the fact that I spent so much time alone as a little kid, and frankly as a preteen, and a teen, and now. Maybe that will change in college, but I doubt it. I prefer to be alone. People wear me out. I feel like sleeping for a week after socializing with people. That's why I like my two dogs and my instruments.