Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Loud and Quiet

I received my first paycheck for the summer. It was over $1000. I didn't even work all of June because I was still in school, but still if the next paychecks are anything like this month's I might have a little more money than I expected. Also I think I'm going to apply for dining services for a job in college. It's a really simple application that I have to fill out, but it's a job right on campus which I think would be a good thing for me. Stay on campus more for the first quarter just to get used to the whole being five and half hours away from home in a huge city. I would have to arrive on campus five days early but I think that's okay. I'd have to work it out with my dad.
Sunday night there was a huge thunderstorm here. My dog P-Knut kept freaking out. I had to shut my window and turn on the AC so she wouldn't be able to hear the thunder. I don't think she cared too much for the lightning that was lighting up my entire room. I put a sheet over her head to get her to calm down. It seemed to work because she stopped barking.
Last Friday I also met Brandon's girlfriend's family. Apparently, they thought I was super quiet, which I guess helped Brandon out because he doesn't talk much either. Although I'm pretty sure I talk less than he does. It's rare for me to meet someone who's actually less talkative than I am. I normally don't even view myself as being that quiet of a person, but when I think about it I guess I am. I suppose I just like to observe those around me. It probably has to do with the fact that I spent so much time alone as a little kid, and frankly as a preteen, and a teen, and now. Maybe that will change in college, but I doubt it. I prefer to be alone. People wear me out. I feel like sleeping for a week after socializing with people. That's why I like my two dogs and my instruments.

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