Saturday, June 10, 2017

Tinder and Rooms

So one of the more interesting things that happened this past year is I decided to try out Tinder just for the hell of it. I was surprisingly pretty popular on Tinder although I suppose that's not too hard when you're a female. Anyways, I had some pretty unusual things happen on Tinder most of which I cannot recall but was all pretty much expected for Tinder. I actually even went on a Tinder date, but I wasn't really into the guy especially after he went on about how great Europe and Kanye West are. I mean not that Europe isn't great or anything, but if you're going to talk about how much you love Europe why not just live there instead of constantly comparing it to the US. Also he kind of looked like my brother so that was another strike against him because that would have been weird. I actually saw a lot of people from college on there one of which super liked me, and then added me on Facebook not long after even though I swiped left on him. I did end up talking to a guy on there who goes to my school, and I saw this one guy that is friends with Dennis who I have had a crush on since I met him last year. His name is David and will come up again frequently later on in my story, but the important thing to know for now is when I saw him on Tinder I wanted to swipe right, but I accidentally swiped left on him so that sucked. Anyways, not long after I went on my one and only Tinder I decided to delete the app since it was turning into a waste of time.
Another thing that occurred during this time is I decided to move off campus because I was sick of living in the dorms. Since I didn't know anyone else who wanted to move at the same time as me, I went searching on Craigslist and many other sites to look for a place to live. This was actually a pretty stressful situation because housing in Seattle is not cheap, and there isn't much in my price range. I also had already withdrawn from campus housing, and it was looking like I was potentially going to have no where to live at the beginning of winter quarter. But then one day I get a call from someone I didn't even remember emailing, and I got a room in a house for pretty cheap. I just moved out of there yesterday to move back home for the summer, but it was great there, and I kind of miss it. And that is all the rest I have to tell about fall quarter of this past year. 

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