Monday, January 20, 2014

Abnormal Weekend

This weekend was an unusual one, for lack of better words. It started out with going to Mom's and having dinner. Of course Josh had to find a way to try to pick some sort of fight with me, but it didn't last long due to my mom. On Saturday, Josh took my phone and texted my dad, "I might be a lesbian," which is kind of funny if it didn't happen to you. I got mad, because he's been doing stuff like that since he's been here. Later, we got in a fight that left me crying on my bedroom floor shaking uncontrollably which I didn't believe a physical possible until then. It's not like I haven't been upset before it was a different type of being upset I guess. It's just been so long since I've fought with someone like that that it hit me pretty hard. I don't know. I called my friend to see if she was home so I could spend the night, but she said she wouldn't be home until late that night. I tried my best to keep from crying while talking to her, but I couldn't help it. I didn't realize until later that it was the first time she'd ever heard me cry. Anyways, I stayed in my room until my dad came home the next day except for to go to the bathroom and get food.
Today was odd too. It made me wonder if I might be depressed, but I couldn't really tell. My friends wanted to hang out with me. I didn't really want to, but I couldn't think of an excuse not to so I did. They came over to my house which was a horrible idea since Josh is here. We hardly said a word the entire time. I sat on the couch imagining everyone and everything being sucked up into some force leaving me behind. I pictured myself with my little section of the couch on the ground where the basement would have been after the giant vacuum took everything but the ground, me, and the part of the couch I was sitting on. I could see the dirt walls acting as a skeleton for the basement, and I could look through the opening and see where my neighbor's house used to be. I wanted to be alone so badly that I created this image in my mind to provide some semblance of privacy. It actually worked so I guess I should do it more often. All in all it was a weird weekend. I became secluded, separate from the world in a different way the than usual. I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy.

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