Sunday, June 22, 2014

Movie Night

Last night I went to Henry's house after I got home from cousin's wedding. Henry and I watched a movie called Pan's Labyrinth. It was a good at least I liked it. Henry and I sat on his little sofa which kind of fits two people. We ended up cuddling in during the movie as would be expected. We also ended up making out quite a bit. I ended up sleeping there, but we didn't do anything besides cuddle and make out which is unexpected by two teens of the opposite gender sharing the same bed.  We still haven't (as the T.V. show Awkward calls it) DTRed but I have a feeling that will be in the near future. My friend Tianna talks to Henry often, and he tells her stuff about me so she normally keeps me updated on what's going on. Tianna did finally break up with Scott, and he was fine with it. The two of them watched a movie together at Scott's house without any problems yesterday which is very good news for me. Scott won't be weird about the new situations quickly approaching.

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