Sunday, June 8, 2014

Love Triangle?

School is almost out! Thank God! I can't wait for it to be summer. I have three days left of school. Lana Del Rey's new album is coming out in five days which is also going to be the day that I go get my ears pierced(not for the first time). I am hopefully going to be hanging out with the guy I went on a date a couple weeks back. He and I talk quite frequently. My life is kind of turning into a weird love triangle or perhaps a square since four people are involved. The guy that I have been talking to will give him a name, Henry is friends with Scott who is one of my best guy friends. Scott is dating my best friend Tianna. Scott previously had liked me for well over a year and might still possibly like me I don't know. Scott keeps saying bad stuff about me to Tiannna in hopes that she will not be my friend anymore or something stupid like that. Tianna and I think it's possible Scott isn't quite over me and is pissed that he didn't ever date me. Now that Henry likes me, Scott thinks I'm too shallow for Henry. Tianna is currently trying to get Scott to stop being a jerk about me all the time, so that I can date Henry without Scott being in the way. The whole thing is all childish and stupid and makes me wonder why I ever try getting along with people. I can't wait to not have to deal with pointless drama like this anymore. Honestly, why do teenagers have to make things more complicated than they need to be? I would be happy if all four of us were able to get along without any problems whatsoever. Henry and I should be able to date without Scott being jealous. By the way Henry is not his real name it makes him sound like an old man which he is not.

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