Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MLK Weekend

Saturday morning, I was woken up by a lockdown instead of an alarm or just on my own. My roommate wasn't here, so I was in my room by myself. I had to, of course, put my blinds down, one set I had to hold in place while letting the blinds down otherwise they fell down. Although no one from the ground can even see into my room. The whole thing kind of freaked me out because I'm not used to having real lockdowns. We just had drills at my high school, nothing ever happened there really. Also I had no idea what the lockdown was for, so that kind of makes it worse. The texts they sent just said that the police were on campus and that was it. I found out later that an armed person was running from the cops through our campus. They arrested him after the lockdown was over.
After lunch that day, my friend and I went downtown so I could a second piercing on my ears. The lady who pierced my ears was sneaky she asked me if I wanted a countdown and I told her no. So right before she was about to pierce my ear she said, "You said no countdown, right," and just as I was about to say right she pierced it.
I decided this weekend that I'm probably going to get a tattoo. I had wanted this one specific tattoo when I was in high school, but my friends hadn't liked it so I had decided against. I told my friends about the tattoo I wanted, and they liked it, so I think I'm going to get it, depending on how much it costs. I would get the F-holes on the violin tattooed on my back to make it look like a human violin. I think it would be cool, and I love the violin, so it works for me. If I don't become a musician, I'll at least always play the violin, so it won't be like I'm getting a tattoo of something that doesn't mean anything to me. 

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