Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Family Disasters

Already finished my first full week of college and am currently on my second. I can't believe that amount of stuff that has happened these past couple of weeks and not all of it has to do with me moving here. My aunt was hospitalized a week or two ago, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her until recently. I guess she has conversion disorder, and I'm not entirely sure what it is, but she lost her ability to do certain things. Anyways, she's staying with my grandma who is 84 years old, and my grandma is taking care of her. Also, my aunt's son just got in a car wreck yesterday, and he doesn't have any car insurance.
Yesterday, my mom texted me about health insurance for about the 10th time. I guess she just now got my card and wants to mail it to me, so I gave her my address. I also stupidly told her she could visit, so no my mom is visiting me on the weekend of the 24th. I did that on purpose because most of the people in my dorm will be gone. I don't know why the hell I told her she could visit. I guess I assumed she would say she can't, but that unfortunately did not work. So yeah that should be interesting.

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