Thursday, August 6, 2015

Flies and Groceries and Dogs

Last night at around nine o' clock my dad decided to go grocery shopping for Family Weekend this weekend. He invites everybody out for the whole weekend, and all my relatives get to rafting, and we all get to see each other and have good, ole, quality family fun. Except that it's more along the line of everybody gets super wasted for two days straight, and we play a brutal game of whiffle ball. My family is extremely competitive, and I hate that every year I have to pitch because if we lose it's because of me. We do go rafting in between the drinking and the terrifying game of whiffle ball.
Anyways, last night my dad discovered that he had left his wallet at the office which is a half an hour away from where we live. This put a huge damper on his plans for preparing for the weekend because he was going to have to take the new delivery of flies into work, and go shopping, and cook all the food on the same day. After a few minutes of silence my dad says, "I could take the flies to work now, get my wallet, and then go shopping at Safeway afterwards." I agree that this isn't a terrible, and I tell him that I will go with him. We also decide to take the dogs with us because well why not no one else was going to be at the office besides us. So we get to the office get out the flies sorted and ready for people to put them away in the morning, drink some Pepsi, and leave to go shopping. We get to Safeway, and P-Knut jumps out of the car. She's afraid of being in the car for some, we're not really sure why. My dad puts back in the car, we get our groceries, come back, and realize that my other dog, Tweakers is not in the car. We're kind of freaked out at this point because it's after 11:00, and neither one of us is sure if he got in the car before we left the office or if he got out of the car when P-Knut did when we got to the store. So my dad drives back to the office which is only a few minutes' drive from Safeway, but he's still going nearly forty miles an hour in a 25 zone. We get to the office, and Tweakers is just sitting there in front of the door waiting for us. 

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