Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Boss

My dad is currently at a music festival see our Lord, Bruce Springsteen, in concert. My dad has gotten into the habit of calling Bruce lord because he thinks there will be churches dedicated to Bruce in the future. Anyway he got there six hours before had to play, and my dad was able to touch him, "Gave him attached boy pats on his shoulder," is what he said. He also rubbed Bruce's sweat on his girlfriend so she'd feel like she'd been touched too. He said he cried, but I'm not sure if he really although I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I think my dad was the only one who had a good day. I took the SATs, but I skipped ten questions by accident. I will have to take the damn thing again. I was already a wreck taking this one I can't imagine what I'll be like next time since it will be my last chance. My dad said I could just join a band if I mess up the next time. In reality I'll end up living at home unemployed if I mess up a second time. I really need to do well on this stupid test so I can pay for college because my parents are so generous as to not give me any money at all for college. I understand why they're not going to help me with college, but that doesn't mean I want to pay for college myself.

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