Saturday, March 8, 2014

Scummy People

I've always wondered how scummy people manage to live in this world and not get a constant mob of people telling them how awful they are. I suppose it's because people who aren't scummy are either afraid of them or don't feel like they are worth the time and effort. I mean if you think about the number of scummy people you've met in your life it adds up at least where I live it does. We seem to have a large population of people who don't try in making their life better. I guess they enjoy sitting around doing nothing, smoking pot, and doing stupid stuff. Oh, and, let's not forget that they also like to hit on girls in their town who are clearly not going to be interested in them. I have come close to deleting my Facebook because of the stoners in our town. There was for a time a constant stream of stoners who were trying to hit on me, and it did stop. I think they got the message when they realized I was never going to respond to their messages or accept friend requests. Recently, one of these guys tried adding me on Facebook for a second time I ignored him, and another started going to our high school again to try to finish. The one that recently enrolled for a second time is the one that had on Halloween groped my ass. I almost forgot to mention that yesterday I was wearing a kind of tight shirt in the bust area, and some jerk decided to make some crude remark to me. I did consider going back to wearing over sized t shirts and baggie jeans like I did when I was a freshman, but then I realized I still had creepers back then. I also realized that most of my clothes are modest especially in comparison with most of the girls at my school. The thing is that I could handle most of this stuff if some of the remarks or actions weren't so degrading. I just know that my friend who has a boyfriend does not have this many problems, and I've been tempted to get a boyfriend just for that reason. But that would be unfair to him and having a boyfriend provides a new set of worthless problems.

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