Monday, March 24, 2014

Missionary or No Missionary

It's my third day of spring break, and I still have accomplished nothing except catching up with two T.V. series and a little bit of reading. I did take my dogs for a walk today. I walked by my mom's place, but she wasn't home. I think she was going to take my nephew to the zoo. I was supposed to go with her, but I think she's mad at me even though I'm not really sure why. I politely asked her to not do things I didn't want her to do. She got all upset even though she said she wasn't upset I knew she was. She didn't go to the St. Patricks Day concert that she said she would go to so that's a big sign that she's mad at me. Also she didn't take me to the zoo with her and my nephew another sign that she's mad. At least I only have a year and a half to deal with her, because not only will I be going to college, but she is supposedly becoming a missionary. I have no idea what made her decide to do that, but she seems to want to go. She already passed the interview for it, and she's trying to sell her house so I'd say she's pretty serious about it, but it's hard to tell if she'll go through with it. Brandon doesn't seem to think she will, because she won't be able to drink or smoke. I guess we'll find it if she does it or not.

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