Monday, February 19, 2018

Feeling Vulnerable

Vulnerability is a funny thing. People accept vulnerability if they have a sense of love and belonging, but love and belonging come from being vulnerable first. That is, if your family doesn't provide a sense of love and belonging first, but if a person is born into a family that gives them a feeling of love and belonging, then they find themselves accepting vulnerability. This is funny to me because the people who need a sense of love and belonging the most don't have it, and then are uncomfortable with being vulnerable and are unable to find love or a feeling of belonging. So, then, the big question becomes how does one find worthiness in themselves if all a person is receiving in life is the message that they are not good enough? How does one overcome this looming presence of loneliness in order to not be lonely? How does someone begin to love them self if all the people that are supposed to love them just don't care?

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