Sunday, December 20, 2015

Good Grades for Christmas

I've been home for over a week now, and I've spent more time with my dad's girlfriend than my dad. I've also probably spent more time with my brother Brandon and his girlfriend than my dad. Apparently, now that I don't live here, he's hardly ever home. It's kind of weird honestly. I think next year since I won't be living in the dorms, I'm going to stay in Seattle for most of my Christmas Break. After all there isn't much for me to do here, and the only reason to come home is to go to the coast for Christmas. Everyone goes to the coast, so then I could see everyone at once, and then go back to my apartment afterwards. The only thing is that I have been able to see some of my friends, but I don't need over three weeks here just to see my friends and family. I only need about week here, and then I could spend the rest of my break doing whatever the hell I wanted in Seattle.
Yesterday, my grades were posted. It turns out I got a 4.00 for my first quarter, not too shabby if I do say so myself. My dad is the only person I told. I texted him a picture of my grades, and he seemed pretty excited for me. Maybe my college will look at how well I'm doing and decide to give me more money, but somehow I doubt that. If only dreams could come true. I suppose some do. Just not all of them. 

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