Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Daze

Easter was a long day with way too much consumption of nothing but ham and sugar. My nephew was here so we had to have an Easter Egg hunt with probably thirty eggs just for him. My Grandma was also here. She likes to get here early so she can walk the dogs. I had to work yesterday for the part of the day so everyone could go home early for Easter. When I was driving home I passed my grandma walking the dogs. It was kind of a funny site because my grandma is on the corner with my two dogs. My dogs are sniffing around and trying to pee while my grandma is trying to move along, but she stops just for them and waits. I don't know why she didn't just pull them after her like my dad and I do. To the truth my dad doesn't really use the leashes with the dogs. He puts the leashes on them but just let's them roam around while he listens to Wall Street Journal and drinks his coffee.
I had to dye to eggs for the egg hunt as well which I had forgotten to do until 9:30 at night. I still had to boil them when I remembered them. I don't know about anyone but back when we dyed eggs when I was a little kid we used to put the dye in a cup from a cupboard and put the eggs in that. I guess now they provide these little plastic-like foldable cups that look like half-sized female condoms. I couldn't believe they actually put those things in the egg dying kit. I threw them out immediately after I was done with the dye. Before I put dissolved the tablet in the water, I laughed for about five minutes at the site of my five half-sized female condoms. The only reason I know such things exist is because of Health class my sophomore year. I hadn't know so many forms of birth control were available until then. Most of which sounded completely disturbing to me. I don't like needles or having little pieces of plastic contained inside my body all the time. I remember when one of my friends got one of those birth control plastic stick things shot into her arm. It freaked me out the way she would move it around underneath her skin. I get that it's easier than remembering to take a pill everyday, but is it really worth it? I think I'd rather take a pill everyday.

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