Monday, March 2, 2015

Sick Day

Being is sick is no fun. I went to school today for three classes, and went home before lunch. I was able to take a nap for a little bit around 1:00ish. I watched the Pink Panther Strikes Again to get me to fall asleep. Also it was one of the only things on TV. I am having awful luck as of late. My shoulder is still bothering, but I have a doctor's appointment set up now. It will be next Monday in the morning. I really hope this can be resolved easily. I have to be able to play for my last Sinfonietta concert ever. If I can't play for that concert I swear I will sink into a deep depression that will last until my shoulder is healed forever. Okay, I could be a little dramatic, but that's kind of my purpose in life to seek the dramatic side of life. I'm a musician we thrive on the ways of human kind.
So because of my being sick, Saturday I made myself a cup of tea to soothe my sore throat. I accidentally made it way too hot, so I rested it on my shoulder while lying on the couch. I hoped it might help relieve some of the pain instead I ended spilling the scalding substance on my chest. I have burn now, and it's blistering. I am honest to God just laughing at myself for how stupid that was of me. It's just one of the weeks where it seems nothing is going right, but instead of getting bogged down in it I'm finding it slightly humorous. Although I did receive good news today. I found out Mumford and Sons is releasing their new album on MAY 4th. I got so excited that I sent myself into a coughing fit that lasted way too long. I still am so excited for this. I just hope some other people release new music in the months to come. That would make me so happy if The Lumineers and Of Monsters and Men came out with some new stuff.

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