Saturday, December 13, 2014

Snowflakes in the Hall

Yesterday, at school the staff put every student's name on a snowflake and put the snowflakes on the halls around the entire school. You would not believe how much time everyone spent looking for their names. I swear it was like watching little kids on an Easter egg hunt. One of my friends found mine. We're supposed to take our snowflake down when we find them, but I told my friends I'm going to leave mine up so it's the last one. It was rumored that we get a prize if we turn our snowflakes, but no one was certain about that.
Apparently, we get a Christmas card in the mail every year from these people we don't know. The card is intended for the people who lived here previously, but they moved out three years ago. My dad looked at the card this year and said, "Hey, that kid is new," so I guess they've had a baby since last year. He made other comments too like, "The kids look so much older than last year." This is coming from the man who couldn't figure out that I was walking with the same girl out of the school for a whole week. He has a slight condition of, "face blindness," I swear.

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