Two days ago my dad came home with my brother that he went down to see. My brother was unusually quiet for himself that night. So far he's been more talkative but he's still not quite himself. He's been nice to me not that he isn't nice to me, but he hasn't called me faggot once since he's been here. He's been oddly encouraging to me and hard on himself. I don't what has caused this change, but I am concerned about him.
Yesterday was Halloween, of course. I think it was probably the most awkward Halloween I've ever had. It started out nice, I had a good day at school, carved pumpkins with my brother, saw my nephew, and all that. Then I go to pick up my friend and her boyfriend, and my night begins it's series of awkward events. My friend and her boyfriend get in the car, and they both just start yelling at each other about the plans for the night. I don't even know what's going on I just keep driving waiting for them to stop. At some point they do so I start talking and making jokes to relieve the tension. This works until we get to my friend's house, and she asks me to leave her room so they begin fighting with each other again. Finally, I'm let out of the bathroom, and we end up going to City Park to hang out with the losers of our town.
While we're there I end up swinging, and some guy pushes me on the swing. This guy ends up touching my ass multiple times. I didn't know what to do, eventually he ends up pushing someone else. My friend ends up going over to talk to her boyfriend thinking I was following her, but I wasn't. I end up getting left with these random guys one of which thinks I'm super pretty. After a few awkward exchanges of conversation with this guy that finds me very pretty, my friend comes back to save me realizing who she'd left me with.
That was the biggest awkward event of the night, but the best part about yesterday was I dressed up as Walter White, and I carved the Heisenberg drawing in my pumpkin. My pumpkin was pretty awesome.
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