In my chemistry class I sit in the corner, as previously mentioned. This isn't an ordinary corner. In my corner there are a file cabinet, pictures of past students, and a stack of moles made out of cloth. These moles are all different and very colorful. There are too many of them for my comfort, and I have to sit right next to them. Today, my chemistry teacher was doing a power point presentation, and we were talking about measurements. One of the measurements was mole. My teacher said mole was her favorite measurement and proceeded to explain that's why there was a stack of moles in her classroom. With this knowledge I felt slightly better about having to sit next to the moles, but I still did not appreciate the quantity of moles.
This morning, just as I had gotten in the car to leave for school my neighbor drove by and motioned for me to roll down my window. Her first question was, "Are you Ms. Holbrook's daughter?" This question threw me off guard considering I live with my dad and was told a month ago by my mom that she didn't want to know me anymore. I answered with a yes. She proceeded to ask me if I would babysit which I responded with a "Yeah, sure, I guess." I was unsettled by this interview and was being a little rude without realizing. She told me her daughter was in my mom's class and that my mom had told her that I would babysit for her. This had angered me, because my mom won't talk to me anymore, but she'll talk about me like I still live with her. I have gotten to the point in my life where I don't really think about my mom so when she finds a way to still get into my life without doing it herself I find it very upsetting. I know I shouldn't let her bother me so much, but I do. I used to think my mom was the greatest person for the longest time, and it still hurts to know what she really is. I think to myself I can manage without her or a mom in general, but then something will happen in my life, and I find myself wanting a mom(who's not insane) so bad.
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