Tuesday, September 29, 2015

So It Begins

Today was my second day of college classes. I feel completely exhausted. I have to get up every morning around 7:15 to get to class at 8, and it's been kicking my ass already after two days. At least Friday I get to sleep in a little bit. I won't have class until 9:30 that day, but I do have to work. I also have to work on Saturday at 10:30. I might have to start napping, but I doubt that will help me fall asleep at night which is what I've been having problems with lately. I don't know why I have to have random bouts of insomnia at the worst possible times in my life. I hate it.
I had to audition yesterday for the orchestra, and I totally bombed it. I honestly can't believe how badly I played. I have never played that song so poorly since I learned it. Even with how terrible it was, I'm still being allowed to play in the orchestra for now. Who knows how long that will last, but I guess I'll just have to make the most of it. 

Friday, September 25, 2015


I have now almost been here for a whole week. All the freshmen are moved in, and orientation has been a long and enduring process that isn't even over yet, unfortunately. I just want my classes to start and have a somewhat established schedule already. All this, "Hi, what's your name? Where are you from? What are you majoring in?" BS is starting to get a little old, but I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself. I've managed to start multiple conversations and get out of my comfort zone quite a bit this week. I've met so many different people that they all have kind of blurred together. Most of them I can't even remember their names.
Tomorrow, we're supposed to do this CityQuest thing where you do some volunteer stuff with your USEM class, but I'm so tired I might skip. Also, I could really stand to practice some more violin. Today was the first I had practiced in at least a week. I have an audition on Monday, but I still don't really know what I'm going to play because it needs to be at least three minutes long, but most of the stuff that I know really well isn't that long. I'll have to figure something out. I know that I have a lot of time on Sunday to practice as well even if I do do go to the thing tomorrow because everyone is going to church on Sunday, but I definitely will not be going.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Move-in Day

So I am now officially in my dorm room and everything. I have a key, and my card that let's me in every building. I'm here early though so I haven't really met anyone yet. Just a few other girls on my floor. My roommate isn't even here yet. Tomorrow I have orientation for my job, and Thursday is when regular freshmen orientation starts. My room is right across the hall from the bathroom which is okay I guess. At least everybody has to walk past my room at some point in the day. I have all my stuff put away and my bed is made. My clothes fit in three drawers. I didn't even put my clothes in the dresser. I just used the drawers attached to my closet. My actual dresser is being used to hold things like my towels and sheets and some books and cosmetics. I have quite a bit of space left over so if I happen to get more things I have somewhere to put them. The only concern I have is my laundry basket. It doesn't fit under my bed or really anywhere out of the way which kind of sucks but oh well I'll live. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Last Week

Well, I have four full days left of being home. Friday will be my last day here because I'll be leaving early, early Saturday morning. I'm not packed up all the way, but I will be by Saturday for sure. I still have a few things left to do while I'm still here like getting an eye exam tomorrow. My doctor said I might have problems with close up vision. My dad came home today after being gone for over a week. We went to the gym tonight, and when we got back there was a kitty cat outside all by himself. We haven't ever seen this kitty before so we put our dogs in the backyard and brought the kitty cat inside. We let the kitty cat walk around the house while the dogs were barking outside. He meowed a few times so we opened the front door to see if the kitty wanted back outside. He stayed in the doorway for a few minutes before stepping outside. We decided if the kitty is still around tomorrow we're gonna keep him. I told my dad that most kitties are allowed in apartments instead of dogs. So I guess we might end up with a new kitty.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Yesterday, I was at work when my mom texted me saying, "Are you missing a dog?" I had no idea if I was so I told her that. Apparently, my dog Tweakers "ran away" to my mom's house even though he has never done that, ever. He hasn't been to her house in her three years, and he never leaves my house to begin with. She asked me what to do with him, and I told her to drop him off at my house but she wouldn't because no one was home. So she decided to take him with her, but didn't tell me when she was going to be back or where she was going with my dog. I tried texting her quite a few times, and when I got home at around nine I tried calling her. I called her about five times before she answered at 10:30 and said she'd be in town in ten minutes. She drops him and tries to be friendly with me and makes an attempt at joking with me. She even ended up petting my other dog, P-Knut. Her reason for why he was able to run away to her house was she has recently been walking to the middle school which is at the end of the block from my house. She thinks he picked up her scent from there and followed it back to her house. Tweakers can't even smell a dog treat placed a foot in front of his nose. As she was leaving she said she thinks he wants to live with her when I leave for college which will never ever happen. She honestly is started to freak me out because the night before she dognapped Tweakers she sent me all these emails about how much she loves me with a link to the song, "The Wind Beneath My Wings," by Bette Midler. Her last email asked me what she needed to do to prove how much she loves me and asked if she needed to cut off her arm. Right now my dad is on vacation so I'm home alone for a whole week, and after yesterday it felt like an invasion of privacy. I don't feel like I can't get away from her. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Post High School and So On

I went for a bike ride around town yesterday. I started from my house and went down to the dock. There was only two other people there besides me. I remember so many people used to flock there. Now it's deserted but that could be because I never go there when it would typically be crowded. I don't want to chance running into people I used to hang out with. On my way back from the docks though I took a little detour in an alleyway behind some businesses and in front of some houses. I passed a house and glanced at it and very quickly looked away after seeing a man with his pants down around his knees. Thank God I didn't see anything because the porch railing was in the way. I have no idea what the hell he was doing, and I don't think I want to know. The vision still creeps me out.
Today, I drove past the high school, and it was weird at first because I should be in school right now, but since I graduated I don't have to be there anymore. It's an odd sensation. I am really happy not to be there anymore, but I'm also scared. I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life. Sure, I'm going to college, but what am I going to do afterwards? Am I really going to make a living being a musician? Even just being a sound engineer seems like a stretch to me right now. I mean I know it's great and all to follow your dreams but what happens if you work really hard at it and nothing every happens for you? What will I do then? It's all so terrifying, but at the same time I kind of love it. I've never really done anything that extreme or exciting in my life. This is my chance to do something great, and I just have to keep remembering that even if I fail at least I tried. See there, I just gave myself my own motivational speech. Oh, the wonders of the mind.